It's that time of year when you get to earn free Stampin' Up! product with every $50 you order in a single order (some item may require a $100 order).
Also, when you place a qualifying hostess order, you'll earn an additional $25 of free product on top of what you'd normally earn as an hostess. See page 3 of the 2019 SAB catalog.
Click here to see the 2019 Sale-a-bration gift-with-purchase goodies.
In addition to it being Sale-a-bration time, the 2019 Occasions catalog is now live. For a quick peek at what you'll find in the gorgeous 2019 Occasions catalog, click on the below video. For a more detailed look at what's new from Stampin' Up! click here. I can honestly say, the 2019 Occasions catalog may be my favorite supplementary catalog since I joined Stampin' Up! in 1996.
REMEMBER: the SAB products are available for a very limited time. Also, many of the Occasions products will retired at the end of the catalog sales period. In other words, don't delay in ordering your favorites. Many products are also available only while supplies last.
If you didn't receive a hard copy of the current catalogs, including the 2018-19 Annual catalog, you can download them and save them to your computer from right here.
QUESTIONS? Feel free to email me at boxer3086@sbcglobalnet.
Happy shopping and thanks for stopping by!